About The Proposed Infrastructure And Layout

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GUSTI will provide flexible serviced office and workshop space to a cluster of manufacturing, engineering and sustainable energy companies located in acreage divided into three purpose–designed areas for academia, research and development and manufacturing. GUSTI will provide all the facilities and services that will allow companies to concentrate on one thing – achieving their goals and running their business.

Centralized infrastructure will provide a range of real and virtual services– perfect to create a professional atmosphere. Depending on the specific needs and nature of various businesses, the GUSTI concept will incubate, nurture and partner with small, medium and fast growing companies with international–standard infrastructures that a mixture of like–minded businesses, all working in the advanced engineering and manufacturing sectors, can come together in one single space.

Our Growing Advisory Panel

  • M. Lakshminarayan

Managing Director, Harman International (India) Pvt. Ltd.

  • Professor Ashok Misr

Chairman, India of Intellectual Ventures

  • Dr. Jurgen Porst

Head of Dr. Porst International

  • Dr. Anupam Srivastav

Senior Business Adviser, SKP Business Consulting LLP.

  • Tosher G Hormusjee

Founder & Promoter - G.U.S.T.I.